»Imagine the Pope doing a Harlem Shake.«
Seit nun über zehn Jahren bereichert die Galerie Kurzweil das Darmstädter Nachtleben. Um ihre Langlebigkeit zu unterstreichen, umfassten die Monatsprogramme im Jubiläumsjahr einen Rückblick und einen Ausblick: Was war vor 10 Jahren los? Und was wäre wenn? In Anlehnung an die Midjourney-Prompts /imagine [...] unternahmen wir eine Zeitreise in das kollektive Popkultur-Gedächtnis von 2013.
— Artdirection
— Grafikdesign
— Illustration
— Plakatgestaltung
/Imagine the Pope¹ doing a Harlem Shake²
in 02/2013 ¹ Benedikt XVI resigned & ² went viral.
/Imagine Kim Jong-un¹ as the villain in the movie Iron Man 3²
in 03/2013 ¹ openly threatened with nuclear weapons & ² released its second international trailer.
/Imagine Daft Punk¹ getting so lucky¹ that they become the faces of the $20 bill²
In 04/2013 ¹ released their hit-single Get Lucky while ² Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz' Thrift Shop ($20 in my pocket..) was all over the place and on heavy rotation.
/Imagine Edward Snowden¹ developed Flappy Bird² instead.
In 05/2013 ¹ began preparations to leak classified documents to the press, while the highly controversial game ² was first released.
/Imagine Lorde performing Royales¹ at the Red Wedding.²
In 06/2013 the aclaimed Popsong¹ was released and one of the most harrowing episodes² of Game of Thrones aired in television.
/Imagine Uli Hoeneß¹ as the protagonist in Sharknado.²
In 07/2013 the then president of Bayern Munich¹ was charged for tax evasion while the made-for-television film² had it's original release.
/Imagine Walter White¹ swinging on Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball².
In 09/2013 the final episode of Breaking Bad¹ aired and Miley Cyrus' divisive music video² was released.
/Imagine Jan Böhmermann¹ does indeed know what the Fox says².
In 10/2013 the first episode of Neo Magazin Royale¹ aired while everyone else was singing "The Fox" by Ylvis².
»Imagine the Pope doing a Harlem Shake.«
Seit nun über zehn Jahren bereichert die Galerie Kurzweil das Darmstädter Nachtleben. Um ihre Langlebigkeit zu unterstreichen, umfassten die Monatsprogramme im Jubiläumsjahr einen Rückblick und einen Ausblick: Was war vor 10 Jahren los? Und was wäre wenn? In Anlehnung an die Midjourney-Prompts /imagine [...] unternahmen wir eine Zeitreise in das kollektive Popkultur-Gedächtnis von 2013.
— Artdirection
— Grafikdesign
— Illustration
— Plakatgestaltung
/Imagine the Pope¹ doing a Harlem Shake²
in 02/2013 ¹ Benedikt XVI resigned & ² went viral.
/Imagine Kim Jong-un¹ as the villain in the movie Iron Man 3²
in 03/2013 ¹ openly threatened with nuclear weapons & ² released its second international trailer.
/Imagine Daft Punk¹ getting so lucky¹ that they become the faces of the $20 bill²
In 04/2013 ¹ released their hit-single Get Lucky while ² Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz' Thrift Shop ($20 in my pocket..) was all over the place and on heavy rotation.
/Imagine Edward Snowden¹ developed Flappy Bird² instead.
In 05/2013 ¹ began preparations to leak classified documents to the press, while the highly controversial game ² was first released.
/Imagine Lorde performing Royales¹ at the Red Wedding.²
In 06/2013 the aclaimed Popsong¹ was released and one of the most harrowing episodes² of Game of Thrones aired in television.
/Imagine Uli Hoeneß¹ as the protagonist in Sharknado.²
In 07/2013 the then president of Bayern Munich¹ was charged for tax evasion while the made-for-television film² had it's original release.
/Imagine Walter White¹ swinging on Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball².
In 09/2013 the final episode of Breaking Bad¹ aired and Miley Cyrus' divisive music video² was released.
/Imagine Jan Böhmermann¹ does indeed know what the Fox says².
In 10/2013 the first episode of Neo Magazin Royale¹ aired while everyone else was singing "The Fox" by Ylvis².
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64287 Darmstadt | hallo@merkmal.de | ||
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Martin-Buber-Straße 87
64287 Darmstadt